Monday, February 11, 2008

She's a maniac / maniac on the floor

Note to self: Do not take an early flight in from Vegas after two straight nights of partying and drinking to go work at a non-profit with a very demanding supervisor.

Time is funny in that you can completely warp it as you please, if you're clever enough. This weekend, for example, your standard 2-day weekend, somehow turned into many, many days. In the span of two days I managed to:
- Attend a three hour training on accountability and consensus-building
- Fly to Vegas
- Consume copious amounts of alcohol, both in daylight and in night-light
- Shop
- Get excited about the progress of the Obama campaign after Saturday's primaries
- Get typically undrunk people VERY drunk

It feels like a whole other world... that's for sure. My body has still yet to recover and is craving food and sleep, both of which were a near impossibility up until the very moment. So, hooray for my own bed and Korean sushi rolls!

On a completely different note, who else is excited about tomorrow's primaries? After this kick that Obama has been on... it's hard not to be excited still! I spent most of my day making labels and listening to the Will.I.Am song, "Yes We Can" and looking up old speeches by Obama on YouTube. It's so interesting to hear his 2004 DNC speech now... he begins by saying something like, "I'm not supposed to be standing up here." I remember exactly where I was when I first heard that speech and just getting the chills. It happened again this second time. I want to see him get the nomination, just to see him on that stage again and to see what he would say about that speech 4 years ago.

After Super Tuesday, I've been grappling with the humbling realization that I have much to learn and what I thought was a sharp political acumen is not very... well, sharp. I both over and under estimate the voting public and I still have yet to understand what really makes them tick. I think I need to learn to accept things as they are, rather than viewing them as I would like to see it. I frequently try to give the voting public a sense of strict order and logic and of course that isn't true. It's not that the voting public is stupid or irrational, they just don't fit the order and logic of my brain. I need to learn to take what I observe and accept them. Changing the world, based on what I observe, is the next step, not to be confused as being part of the same one. I think if I could learn this lesson many other aspects of my life would be considerably easier.

Here's to tomorrow... to a long day at work, with limited access to political updates :(

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