Monday, February 18, 2008

Twinkle, twinkle little star...

Is it pathetic that I'm genuinely disappointed that I might miss the lunar eclipse on Wednesday night? It's supposed to be a reddish hue this time around, but unfortunately for us West Coasters, it'll occur at moonrise (between the hours of 7:00pm - 7:52pm on Wednesday), so it probably won't be visible to most people. I will also be in a meeting, so whether or not it was a clear night, I wouldn't be able to see it.

Oh well. There goes NerdFest 2008...

NerdFest 2007 was last summer, the night of another lunar eclipse. My friends and I stayed until 3am or so to drive out to the middle of Malibu, where there aren't any streetlights. We parked on the side of the road (after having to change the tire because we got a flat), laid out a few blankets on the car, and drank a few beers (microbrew!) while we waited for the eclipse to happen. It was absolutely gorgeous and we all got to delight in our nerdiness together.

I'm not too sad though. NerdFest 2008 wouldn't be the same with the usual suspects. Who would I talk about umbra's with?

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