Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I will remember you / Will you remember me?

Clearly, the United States, or at least the voters of Pennsylvania have not forgotten about once-Republican-sweethearts Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul.

Oh those Republicans. I think they're getting a little jealous that the Democrats are getting all the media attention and they had to figure out a way to get some back. What a better way than to vote for two nominees into the double-digits, despite having a presumptive nominee already? I'm glad to see that the Republicans of Pennsylvania were voting in decent numbers, even though the decision has been made for them by the rest of the country.

I think even bigger kudos should be given to Ron Paul. The underdog of the entire race and he beat out Mike Huckabee! There are 128,467 people who really like Ron Paul in Pennsylvania and made it a point to tell him so!

Worry not Republican hopefuls-- you won't be forgotten too quickly.

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